School location Maps




School location maps designed and produced especially for your school to help kids understand maps. We place the location of your school at the centre of the map and in discussion with you will show the detail relevant to your school and children. You can decide the area of coverage, size of map, and level of detail required.  These maps are ideal for teaching children about map reading and learning about their local area. Also can be used as a useful planning tool for the reception or office. Usually produced at A3 size, but designed to work at A4 size as well. Supplied as a print ready file so you can use as you wish and print as many copies as you like. Alternatively we can print, laminate or encapsulate for you as required. All maps designed are colour blind friendly  – one in twelve boys/men have a form of colour blindness. On average that is one in every classroom.

Contact us to discuss your specific requirement and prices.

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Weight 6 kg

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